House Prices in Crawley

Following is the list of all streets and buildings arranged by locality and towns in your local authority Crawley, South East.

To find your property, click on building/street name below or search your address, building or street on the search bar available on top header.

Showing 701 - 800 of 2,017 streets/buildings

Street/Building Name Avg Price Houses Flats
House Prices in Gibbons Close, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £559,250 8 -
House Prices in Gibby Road, Copthorne, Crawley RH10 £484,778 9 -
House Prices in Gibson Place, Crawley RH10 - - 26
House Prices in Giles House, Sangster Close, Crawley RH10 £244,000 - 15
House Prices in Ginhams Road, Crawley RH11 £430,375 16 -
House Prices in Glanville Walk, Crawley RH11 £282,500 24 -
House Prices in Glebe Close, Crawley RH10 £356,500 17 -
House Prices in Glendon House, Brighton Road, Crawley RH10 £238,154 - 16
House Prices in Gleneagles Court, Crawley RH10 £402,000 1 1
House Prices in Gleneder, Old Brighton Road, Pease Pottage, Crawley RH11 £936,000 1 1
House Prices in Glenview Close, Crawley RH10 £219,069 12 25
House Prices in Global House, High Street, Crawley RH10 £5,536,000 - 2
House Prices in Gloucester Road, Crawley RH10 £352,591 53 -
House Prices in Glynde House, Green Lane, Crawley RH10 £191,000 - 8
House Prices in Goddard Close, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £293,224 49 34
House Prices in Godolphin Court, Crawley RH10 £212,000 - 21
House Prices in Goepel Court, Crawley RH10 - - 12
House Prices in Goffs Close, Crawley RH11 £685,111 17 -
House Prices in Goffs Lane, Crawley RH11 £345,000 15 10
House Prices in Goffs Park Road, Crawley RH11 £1,048,074 37 20
House Prices in Goldfinch Close, Crawley RH11 £279,250 6 4
House Prices in Golding Close, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £393,871 31 -
House Prices in Goodwin Close, Bewbush, Crawley RH11 £234,500 15 15
House Prices in Goodwood Close, Crawley RH10 £468,000 12 -
House Prices in Gordons Way, Pease Pottage, Crawley RH11 £553,773 22 -
House Prices in Gorling Close, Ifield, Crawley RH11 £268,000 14 -
House Prices in Gorse Close, Copthorne, Crawley RH10 £389,500 18 -
House Prices in Gorse Close, Crawley RH11 £258,200 22 -
House Prices in Gosden Close, Crawley RH10 £314,800 10 -
House Prices in Gossops Drive, Crawley RH11 £308,298 120 12
House Prices in Gossops Green Lane, Crawley RH11 £444,071 34 1
House Prices in Gossops Parade, Crawley RH11 - 3 17
House Prices in Goudhurst Close, Worth, Crawley RH10 £652,500 4 -
House Prices in Goudhurst Keep, Worth, Crawley RH10 £578,600 6 1
House Prices in Grace Road, Broadfield, Crawley RH11 £482,000 9 -
House Prices in Graffham Close, Crawley RH11 £329,333 20 -
House Prices in Grand Parade, Crawley RH10 £129,000 - 2
House Prices in Grange Close, Crawley RH10 £416,231 16 -
House Prices in Grapes Cottages, Old Brighton Road South, Pease Pottage, Crawley RH11 £346,500 4 -
House Prices in Grattons Drive, Crawley RH10 £622,627 109 36
House Prices in Graveney Road, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £390,727 25 -
House Prices in Gravetye Close, Crawley RH10 £271,500 10 6
House Prices in Grayrigg Road, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £375,659 22 43
House Prices in Greatham Road, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £539,444 18 -
House Prices in Greenacres, Crawley RH10 £345,075 96 16
House Prices in Greenacres, Furnace Green, Crawley RH10 £357,493 96 16
House Prices in Green Bushes, Turners Hill Road, Pound Hill, Crawley RH10 £469,000 1 1
House Prices in Green Lane, Crawley Down, Crawley RH10 £444,283 88 11
House Prices in Green Lane, Crawley RH10 £474,983 87 12
House Prices in Green Lane, Worth, Crawley RH10 £494,017 87 12
House Prices in Green Walk, Crawley RH10 £252,600 15 9
House Prices in Greenways Walk, Crawley RH11 £191,957 14 11
House Prices in Greenwich Close, Crawley RH11 £183,000 17 -
House Prices in Greenwood Court, Crawley RH11 £243,077 19 10
House Prices in Gregory Close, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £627,541 39 -
House Prices in Gresham Walk, Crawley RH10 £319,875 25 -
House Prices in Greyhound Slip, Worth, Crawley RH10 £374,467 19 -
House Prices in Grier Close, Ifield, Crawley RH11 £306,000 25 -
House Prices in Grisedale Close, Crawley RH11 £354,200 8 -
House Prices in Grouse Road, Pease Pottage, Crawley RH11 £657,000 6 1
House Prices in Grove Cottage, Ifield Green, Ifield, Crawley RH11 £447,500 2 -
House Prices in Grove Court, Crawley RH10 £242,429 1 6
House Prices in Guernsey Close, Crawley RH11 £266,761 46 13
House Prices in Guillemot Path, Ifield, Crawley RH11 £300,000 8 -
House Prices in Guinevere Road, Ifield, Crawley RH11 £237,477 41 10
House Prices in Gunning Close, Crawley RH11 £275,474 20 6
House Prices in Guyatt House, Moore Road, Crawley RH10 £251,625 - 8
House Prices in Halcyon, Copthorne Bank, Copthorne, Crawley RH10 £520,000 2 1
House Prices in Halifax Close, Crawley RH10 £347,333 14 -
House Prices in Halland Close, Crawley RH10 £388,053 24 -
House Prices in Halley Close, Crawley RH11 £279,333 11 3
House Prices in Halls Cottages, Crawley Down, Crawley RH10 £331,000 2 -
House Prices in Halls Cottages, Snow Hill, Crawley Down, Crawley RH10 £356,000 2 -
House Prices in Halnaker Walk, Crawley RH11 £248,600 10 -
House Prices in Hambleton Court, Hambleton Hill, Crawley RH11 £201,167 - 36
House Prices in Hambleton Hill, Crawley RH11 £201,167 - 36
House Prices in Hammingden Court, Crawley RH10 £248,867 - 17
House Prices in Hammond Road, Crawley RH11 £245,500 17 9
House Prices in Hampden Close, Crawley RH10 £337,385 20 1
House Prices in Handsworth House, Brighton Road, Crawley RH10 £194,429 - 10
House Prices in Hanover Close, Crawley RH10 - - 37
House Prices in Hansom Way, Pease Pottage, Crawley RH11 £568,450 28 -
House Prices in Hardham Close, Crawley RH11 £318,500 37 1
House Prices in Hardy Close, Crawley RH10 £425,222 12 -
House Prices in Hare Lane, Crawley RH11 £359,560 52 1
House Prices in Harewood Close, Crawley RH10 £411,792 21 10
House Prices in Harlech Close, Pound Hill, Crawley RH10 £585,429 7 -
House Prices in Harmony Close, Bewbush, Crawley RH11 £194,500 4 8
House Prices in Harold Road, Worth, Crawley RH10 £429,500 16 -
House Prices in Harper Drive, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £527,000 39 -
House Prices in Harrier Court, Bristol Close, Crawley RH10 £249,286 1 15
House Prices in Harris Close, Crawley RH11 £322,000 2 -
House Prices in Harris Path, Crawley RH11 £307,600 8 -
House Prices in Harting Court, Bewbush, Crawley RH11 £284,000 7 -
House Prices in Hartings Court, Bewbush, Crawley RH11 £278,500 8 -
House Prices in Harvest Road, Maidenbower, Crawley RH10 £277,900 - 10
House Prices in Harvey Close, Crawley RH11 £232,375 22 2
House Prices in Haslett Avenue, Crawley RH10 - 2 -
House Prices in Haslett Avenue West, Crawley RH10 £925,500 - 2
House Prices in Hassocks Court, Cuckfield Close, Crawley RH11 £282,625 10 10